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we would like to include a word cloud into a dashboard.

Emanuele Bardelli

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Hi, we would like to include a word cloud into a dashboard.

The quick and dirty solution we used is to generate the tag cloud via third-party web sites, export it as an image and include it statically into the dashboard .


As next step, it would be nice to have the word cloud automatically generated by some spotfire scripting and make it interactive, so that each word is clickable and possibly to trigger filtering to other graphs using marking.


If there is any, what do you think is the best approach to develop something like this

I've seen around javascript/html word clouds so that could possibly be one way. IronPython perhaps


Any idea will help...


Thank you



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Spotfire Professional Services group have developed a JavaScript Visualisation Framework for incorporating JavaScript Visualistion libraries into Spotfire as custom visualisations. e.g. D3, High Charts, etc.

This greatly reduces the barrier to adding custom visualisations to Spotfire. It still involves some coding but a lot less then previously. D3 I believe has a word cloud visual, see the link attached. This could be incorporated and would be fully interactive, e.g. marking filtering.

@[user:46928|Emanuele Bardelli] you should reach out to your Spotfire rep to get some more detail on the framework.

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Hi everybody

I'm pleased to finally introduce a fully working dynamic and interactive Words Cloud running in Spotfire!!!

I started off @[user:43269|Gerard Conway] hint and developed this integration using mainly JavaScript and Iron Python (embedded documentation for more details)

Let me know your thoughts and feedback how to improve this.



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@[user:13277|Jason Wearden] here's the interactive Words Cloud for Spotfire 6

I've found a 6.0.2 client still installed on an old spare laptop and rebuilt the words cloud dashboard on that version.

I don't have the Spotfire 6 Server anymore so I had to work offline and couldn't fully test it.

However, I've opened the Spotfire 6 Words Cloud Dashboard using a Spotfire 7 Client (without converting the dashboard) and it seems working fine.

Let me know if you are able to run it ok in your environment.



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I know this is an old question, but adding this answer in case it helps anyone who comes across it.

It's possible using JSViz. I've built a set of visuals (including a word cloud) using JSViz and made them available here:https://community.spotfire.com/wiki/simple-use-jsviz-visualisations-gaugedonut-network-radarspider-sankey-animation-word-cloud

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