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Spotfire: Accessing all the dashboard's source code using SDK

Alexandre Verri

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Wewould like to create a simple extension that will synchronize all the source code for the dashboard with text files in the local file system.

Using the Spotfire SDK, preferrably the v 7.x, I'm looking for examples about how to access all the source code forUI elements - tables/charts configuration, IronPython scripts, HTML code, JavaScript.

The use case is:


Create a Spotfire visualization, usethe extension to set the local folder in the filesystem that will store all the source code and configurations for the visualization

Create pages, charts, tables, etc, the extension will save the source codeto the files in the local filesystem

Changes in the local filesystem files will reflect in the visualization


The main motivator is to allow Git to version control the source code. The version control will be handled by Git, externally to Spotfire.

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