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End user on-boarding for Spotfire dxps

Li Howe

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What do others in the community use to on-board new end users and make sure they're totally able to make best use of self-service dxps

The majority of my user base are remote users, and I'ma team of one which puts quite a lot of limits on resource - personally on-boarding people even via webinars or other direct interaction isn't realistic.

At the moment I'm using a combination of text areasand annotations within the dxp itself to describe what users are seeing, and an accompanying PowerPoint to walk them through. I've chosen not to do a step-by-step navigation because the dxp is ultimately for self-service exploration, and users need to be able to jump around once they're comfortable; but that still leaves the initial 'self-training' which I'm keen to make better.

I've been considering an interactive on-boarding tool, since all my users will only ever use Web Player.Interested to hear if that's worked for anyone else, or whether there are other options people could recommend

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