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Javascript no longer working in Spotfire 10.3

Katie Hausmann

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This Javascript worked in 7.12 and lower versions of Spotfire but now we're getting an error message that is preventing some underlying scripts from running:


function actionGo()


var userIDLabelValue = $("#username").text();

var studyIDLabelValue = $("#pStudyID").text();

var urlIDLabelValue = $("#urlLink").text();

var configFlagLabelValue = $("#useConfigFlag").text();

var pageNameLabelValue = $("#lblPageName").text();

if (pageNameLabelValue === "None") {

pageNameLabelValue = "None";



var httpAddress = urlIDLabelValue;

var configBlock = "&configurationBlock=";

var rlsRunFlagProperty = "RLSRunFlag=%22Yes%22;";

var mngStudyRunFlag = "RunManageStudyFlag=%22Yes%22;";

// surround parameters with double quote HTML characters

var userIDProperty = "parmUserId=%22" + userIDLabelValue + "%22;";

var studyIDProperty = "parmStudyId=%22" + studyIDLabelValue + "%22;";

var pageNameProperty = "parmGoToPg=%22" + pageNameLabelValue + "%22;";

// a dashboard MUST be selected AND a Study Row Id MUST be set

if (urlIDLabelValue != "(Empty)") {

if (studyIDLabelValue === "None") {

// simply launch the dashboard (no config block) specified by the toggle

var urlAddress = httpAddress;

} else {

if (pageNameLabelValue === "None"){

// pass config block, manage a study and land on first page after manage study

var urlAddress = httpAddress + configBlock + rlsRunFlagProperty + mngStudyRunFlag + userIDProperty + studyIDProperty;

} else {

// pass config block, manage a study and land on the page specified by the toggle

var urlAddress = httpAddress + configBlock + rlsRunFlagProperty + mngStudyRunFlag + userIDProperty + studyIDProperty + pageNameProperty;



// launch the dashboard specified by the toggle in a new browser window

window.open(urlAddress, '', 'fullscreen=no, scrollbars=yes,location=yes,resizable=yes');

} else {

alert("You must first select a dashboard from the right toggle!")





Error Messages from the developer tool:package=js:41 [Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking 'mousewheel' event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5745543795965952

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