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Calculated value (Dynamic Item) question

Anthony stark

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Hi Experts,

I have a calculated value that i used on a page in the analysis, and i am trying to use the same calculated value on the home page. The problem is that the calculated value calculates (counts)the RowId of the page its on, and when i try to do the same thing on the home page it calculates all the rows in the table. Is there a way i can reference the calculated value from the home page, or is there a way i can calculate the rows on the page that the calculated value is on

Your help is appreciated,

Thanks in advance

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Hi ddmx1,

I think you should be able to capture the outcome of the calculation into a document property.

You may need to do this via a data function (see this video: https://www.youtube.com/watchv=81vXShmDyOM), but if it's in a document property, you'll be able to show it anywhere in your dashboard.

You can also check these links on how to extract the value of a calculated column to a document property:


kind regards,


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