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Unable to save .dxp file spotfire X

Craigen Raphael

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Error message: Unable to save the file IHS Well_1.dxp.

InvalidOperationException at Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Cxx:

Unable to save data table 84653173-a759-4163-9119-9d68d669ff10 to entry DataTables/84653173-a759-4163-9119-9d68d669ff10 in file H:ProjectsSpotfireDrilling IHStpsfm24yywv.hwb.tmp:

Invalid offset 0 in the DXP archive, possibly due to I/O error. (HRESULT: 80131509)

Stack Trace:

at Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Cxx.CxxColumnManager.WriteTableToZip(String filePath, CxxWriteTableSettings tableSettings, String entry, UpdateProgress updateProgress)

at Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Persistence.PersistentDataTable2.DeferredWriteToTableOperation.c__DisplayClass27_0.b__0()

at Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.ApplicationModel.Progress.ExecuteSubtask(String title, IndeterminateProgressFormatter progressFormatter, ProgressOperation operation)

at Spotfire.Dxp.Internal.Utilities.ZipWriter.Close()

at Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.Persistence.PersistenceManager.Save(DocumentTypes documentType, DocumentNode doc, IDocumentSaveSettings settings, Stream targetStream)

at Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.Persistence.PersistenceManager.Save(DocumentTypes documentType, DocumentNode doc, IDocumentSaveSettings settings, String fileName)

at Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.DocumentModel.DocumentManager`1.c__DisplayClass62_0.b__0()

at Spotfire.Dxp.Forms.Application.FormsProgressService.ProgressThread.DoOperationLoop()

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The error message you are getting refers to a .tmp file under a Temp folder in your Spotfire installation. Spotfire creates temp files while analysis files are being built, and needs information from those files when saving. This becomes a problem if you have an anti-virus or garbage collection program that deletes temp files on a regular basis - Spotfire can't find the files it needs to save your analysis files. I would check with your IT/Security team to see if there is a way to build an exception into whatever program is running in your environment so that you don't run into this issue.

The other less-than-graceful workaround is to save your analysis files as often as possible so that temp files haven't been deleted.

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