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Script to import contents from text file or csv file

Rasheed Bello

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To add a csv file as a data table, you can use the below script as reference

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Import import *



#specify any settings for the file

settings= TextDataReaderSettings()




#datasource name and datasource to add table




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You need to specify the TextDataReaderSettings as needed. For example since this is a CSV file the separator would be a comma so you need to add the below code






In a similar way you can configure the other available settings. You can refer to the above documentation for the available properties that can be configured

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Thanks. can you direct me to a document that breaks down the Spotfire property scripting. The document link above is not helpful. I mean a document with examples that breaks down the syntax like any other program. e.g. where do the Constructors go, Properties, Methods, Events. wWhat is the right syntax


I cannot find any helpful document online.




   from x.x.x.

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