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how to capture errors after refreshing a on-demand datatable

Tom Tang 2

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hi there,

I have a on-demand datatable which is meant to invoke a procedure to insert data into a database table.

when users click submit which is a button in my test area to refresh this datatable, they wont be able to know if this submit is successfull or not.

is there a way to capture the feedback for it, e.g. : if the information link was borken and refreshing failed, in my code I can get the failed information like the information in notification and then raise an exception and messagebox users failure.


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If the on-demand table doesnt fetch the records it could be the issue with input parameters being passed to the Information link and it would not show this information

You may want to check the sql.log file to see the query that is being generated and check in your database if this fetches the record.

If you want to show notifications youmay want to review the following blog on how to create Notifications to tell user what went wrong.

Link : https://spotfired.blogspot.com/2015/01/notifications-error-warning-or-in...

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