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Enabling IronPython scripts in Spotfire Web Client

Luke George 2

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Hi there,

I have a Spotfire document that uses a number of different scripts thatneeds to be deployed in the web client. However, when I open the document in the web client the buttons used to execute the scripts are disabled and displaythis message:

"This control uses a script. scripts of the type 'IronPython(2.7.7)' are not enabled, for security reasons"

I read somewhere that the spotfire web client does not allow any ironpython scripts, but other people seem to be using scripts perfectly fine.

Is there any way to enable the use of ironpython scripts in spotfire web client


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In general to be able to execute an IronPython script in WebPlayer, the scripts must be trusted by a user who is part of the "Script Author" group. If you are not part of this group already, add yourself to this group or reach out to your Administrator to add you to this group.

Once you are added, restart your Spotfire session by logging out and logging in back. Then execute the script so that the scirpts are trusted, save the analysis to library.

Now try to open the analysis in WebPlayer and you should be able to run the script

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