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How to trigger python script from spotfire (to run via Jupyter Notebook). Not IronPython.

Hung Huynh

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I have a Python script that uses libraries unavailable in IronPython. I would like to trigger the python script to run in a python environment external to spotfire. I currently have this however it doesn't do anything.

from System.Diagnostics import Process

from System.Diagnostics import ProcessStartInfo

from System.Diagnostics import ProcessWindowStyle


process = Process()

startInfo = ProcessStartInfo()

startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden

startInfo.FileName = "C:Anaconda3python.exe"

startInfo.Arguments = "BubbleSort.py"

process.StartInfo = startInfo


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I used the below code and seems to work as expected. Can you try to specify the full file path for "BubbleSort.py"

from System.Diagnostics import Process

from System.Diagnostics import ProcessStartInfo

from System.Diagnostics import ProcessWindowStyle


#process = Process()

startInfo = ProcessStartInfo()

startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal

startInfo.FileName = "C:Python27python.exe"

startInfo.Arguments = "C:Python27hello.py"

process.StartInfo = startInfo


# to get the output into spotfire

startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True;

startInfo.RedirectStandardError = True;

startInfo.UseShellExecute = False;


#start the process


#print the output


print myOutput.ReadToEnd()

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Good Morning,


I placed the py script in the same folder and ran it on Spotfire. I see the cmd prompt running in the background but no output being displayed on Spotfire

startInfo.FileName = "C:Anaconda3python.exe"startInfo.Arguments = "C:Anaconda3BubbleSort.py"

However nothing shows on the output console

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