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bhavesh lakhani

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Hello everyopne.

I have developed a KPI chart viz and i have given different markings for different kpi's. All the kpi's are taking the data from same column. Those kpi's are giving detailed information in below Viz, so when I click a particular kpi it desplays the data below but when i click the other kpi the previous kpi does not unmark and now both the kpi's are marked in the chart.

there are 8 kpi's and when I slect one by one all the kpi are marked and in order to unmark them i have to useclear button. If I want to use it i have to select 1 kpi and then hit clear which will unmark the marked kpi and then i select other kpi and so on,this is how the kpi's are working. I need a Iron Python script so I can use that in "Actions" under kpi settings and make the kpi work one by one withoutusing clear button again and again

Please see the Screen Shot for more understanding of this concept.

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