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Reload my file Spotfire Server

Anthony Vandercame

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Hello everyone,

I've a problem with my dashboard. I have un button to reload my datas ( 5 files ). In local my button work it's ok but when I put my dashboard on Spotfire server when I put on the button. It doesn't work. The error is :


Could not perform action 'READY'.

Exception of type 'Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.ApplicationModel.ProgressCanceledException' was thrown.


Thank you in advence!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found the solution (With Tibco support),

My five files is located in C:/temp. And in the file (Spotfire.Dwp.Worker.Host.exe) I replace some lignes :









With this solution I can put my file with the option "Always new data" and it's work in web player, the reload can function.



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