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Filters do not work in my accordion panel

Filip Toma Isai

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Hi guys, I have a seimple accordion panel, and I can't make it work properly. My Spotfire version is 7.11. I can't seem to find a clear answer anywhere on how to solve this.

Please help!

I noticed that filters do not work after a close the first DIV.

This is my HTML:





#accordion .ui-state-active{




border: 1px solid #6D5AA8!important;


#accordion .ui-state-default{




border: 1px solid #6D5AA8!important;




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AND this is my Javascript:

$( "#accordion" ).accordion({

heightStyle: 'content', animate: 200,

collapsible: true, event: "click"}



Thank you!

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From your description I think you are seeing the problem with styling that occurs for JQueryUI accordions in Spotfire. The fix I use for this is to add some styling to the text area which removes the problem:


.ui-accordion-content { display:block !important; }




visibility:hidden !important;

padding:0px !important;

border:0px !important;

height:0px !important;


Hope this helps




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Glad it worked :)


On your other reports, it depends on what jQuery functions or plug ins you are using. If it is the accordion again, then this will fix it but if it isn't you will likely need another bit of CSS. Spotfire support might be able to help, or you could post/search for another community question if it is a different jQuery component.

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