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Exporting to an Excel file

Manoj Chaurasia

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I've tried exporting data from Spotfire to an Excel file. Spotfire created a simple table listing the data that are in my database.


Question is, is Spotfire capable of exporting a cross table to an excel file Because that is what I need. I need to create, for example a cross table through Spotfie, then I shall export the created table to an excel file.




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Hi Ben,


You have to do the following things at your end to make the Script trusted:-



Edit the text area by right click on the the Scipt button.

Select the Button & Right Click & select the "Edit Control" Option.

Now a new window will pop- up at your screen. Select the Script & click on Edit button.

Now a new window will pop up then simply click on "OK button" without doing anything.



Now you can see that the button is activated) & it is ready to use.



Manoj Singh

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Hi Manoj,


Another problem here, when I've tried to do what you told me on the window where I have to select the script under the Image option it says:


To use Script action controls you need to make sure that:

- You are a part of a group with the license Author Scripts (TIBCO Spotfire Extensions) enabled.


If this has something to do about having a licensed Spotfire I guess there it can't be helped I only have the trial version of Spotfire.




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  • 1 year later...

Hi Ben,


I have created a script & it is working fine at my end. following is the Script:-


from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Export import DataWriterTypeIdentifiers

from System.IO import File

writer = Document.Data.CreateDataWriter(DataWriterTypeIdentifiers.ExcelXlsDataWriter)

filtering = Document.ActiveFilteringSelectionReference.GetSelection(table).AsIndexSet()

stream = File.OpenWrite("C:\SpotfireExport.xls")

names = []

for col in table.Columns:


writer.Write(stream, table, filtering, names)



& also use Name of Script Parameter- table,Type- Data table & Select data table- name of your data table.



Manoj Singh

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