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'Data$location.coordinates' has illegal type: 'list''

Geetika Saini

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I am trying to retrieve public data from Rest API, which is available here on the below link-https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Social-Services/311-Service-Requests-from-2010-to-Present/erm2-nwe9

I am writing a data function to import the data in table from the Rest API but it gives me error as illegal type-List for a particular column- "Location", which is basically the location coordinates.

Can anybody help me resolve the issue, what R function I can use to get rid of this error

Any pointers will be highly appreciated.

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There are various ways to bring JSON data in TIBCO Spotfire. The easiest way to do so is by using TIBCO Data Virtualization. This tool allows you to connect to any type of data source regardless of which technology, combine (join) it to other data sources and present it as a virtual database table to Spotfire.

You can try TDV here:https://www.tibco.com/products/data-virtualization

If you don't have TDV you have to script this. In your script you should define which columns you desire from the resulting JSON string.

A good explanation can be found here:https://datashoptalk.com/connecting-to-apis-from-spotfire/

For your example try this code in your data function. (Please note that you would need to install package httr by going to Tools, TERR Tools, Package management, Load and look for httr package to install.)




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