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Webplayer takes way too long to 'process' anything that involves executing anything

Jolene Robertson

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Any ideas on how to make the webplayer not suck An onclick event in the client is more or less instantaneous, but when it comes to the webplayer, instantaneous becomes 3, 5, 10+ seconds. Tack on another 3, 5, 10+ if there's network latency. If DEBUG logging is enabled, could that potentially impact the time it takes toexecute basic scripts, or render text areas Here's some info I grabbed from the Monitoring and Diagnostics screen:


Product Version 7.11.1 LTS

Build Version

Assembly Version 32.1.13307.4449

OS Name Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise)

OS Version Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

System Type x64

.NET Version 4.0.30319.42000

Authentication Mode SpotfireBackendTrust

No of Logical Processors 8

Memory Working Set Size 31,040 MB

Memory Used For Caching Calculations 1,930 MB

Available Physical Memory 27,590 MB

Total Physical Memory 65,535 MB

Server GC True

Web Server GC Latency Mode SustainedLowLatency

CPU Load 0%

Thread Pool Available 16

Thread Pool Min 0

Thread Pool Max 16

Thread Pool Queue 0

Thread Pool Queue Age milliseconds 0


javaScriptApi/enabled TRUE


errorReporting/maxMailLength 1000

errorReporting/enabledMiniDumpCreationOnError TRUE

errorReporting/includeDetailedErrorInformation FALSE

errorReporting/dumpToolPath C:Program FilesDebugging Tools for Windows (x64)cdb.exe

errorReporting/miniDumpSizeLarge FALSE

errorReporting/dumpToolFlagsSmall -c ".dump /mhtpFidcu /o "{0}";q" -p {1}

errorReporting/dumpToolFlagsLarge -c ".dump /ma /o "{0}";q" -p {1}

languages/installedLanguages en-US, es-ES



authentication/performHostNameValidationOnServerRequests TRUE

authentication/performCertificateChainValidationOnServerRequests TRUE


scheduledUpdates/concurrentUpdates 2


scheduledUpdates/forcedUpdate/enabled TRUE

scheduledUpdates/forcedUpdate/maximumRejectedUpdates 2

scheduledUpdates/cacheSettings/enabled FALSE


sbdfCache/Enabled TRUE

sbdfCache/cacheTimeoutMinutes 30

sbdfCache/preloadSettings/Enabled FALSE


pages/showLogout TRUE

pages/showAbout TRUE

pages/showHelp TRUE

diagnostics/errorLogMaxLines 2000

diagnostics/showRunGC TRUE

diagnostics/tryCompactPageFileOnRunGC TRUE

analysis/showToolTip TRUE

analysis/showClose TRUE

analysis/showToolBar TRUE

analysis/showAnalysisInformationTool TRUE

analysis/showExportFile TRUE

analysis/showExportVisualization TRUE

analysis/showUndoRedo TRUE



analysis/showPageNavigation TRUE

analysis/showStatusBar TRUE

analysis/allowRelativeLinks FALSE

customHeader/enabled FALSE

closedAnalysis/showOpenLibrary TRUE

closedAnalysis/showReopenLibrary TRUE


statistics/enabled TRUE

statistics/flushInterval 0:01:00


logging/CurrentLoggingConfiguration Custom

logging/AvailableLoggingConfigurations Custom, Minimum, Error, Warn, Info, Debug, DebugLeaks, Monitoring, FullMonitoring, Trace, Standard

logging/RootLogLevel DEBUG

logging/MonitoringEventsLogLevel INFO

logging/AuditLogLevel INFO

logging/TimingLogLevel INFO

logging/DateTimesLogLevel OFF

performanceCounterLogging/PerformanceCounterLogLevel INFO

logging/UserSessionStatisticsLogLevel OFF

logging/DocumentCacheStatisticsLogLevel OFF

logging/MemoryStatisticsLogLevel OFF

logging/OpenFilesStatisticsLogLevel OFF

performanceCounterLogging/Enabled TRUE

performanceCounterLogging/LogWcfCounters TRUE

performanceCounterLogging/DebugLogInterval 15

performanceCounterLogging/LogInterval 120

performanceCounterLogging/CpuAverageTimeSpan 120

PerformanceLogger/Enabled FALSE

logging/LeakTracking/Enabled FALSE

logging/allMonitoringAndPerformanceLogging/Enabled FALSE


documentCache/purgeInterval 0:05:00

documentCache/itemExpirationTimeout 0:00:00

gcConfiguration/sustainedLowLatencyMode TRUE


analysis/checkClosedInterval 0:01:00

analysis/closedTimeout 0:02:00

analysis/checkInactivityInterval 0:05:00

analysis/closingThreadsPerCore 1

analysis/totalNumberOfClosingThreads 8

analysis/inactivityTimeout 2:00:00

analysis/regularPollChangesInterval 500

analysis/maxPollChangesInterval 3000

analysis/maxRenderTimeMs 60000

analysis/pollLoadInterval 1000

analysis/needsRefreshInterval 15

analysis/toolTipDelay 1000

analysis/antiAliasEnabled TRUE

analysis/useClearType TRUE

analysis/documentStateEnabled TRUE

analysis/undoRedoEnabled TRUE

analysis/maxAnalysisShutdownInformations 1024

analysis/privateThreadPoolEnabled TRUE

analysis/privateThreadPoolWorkerCount 1

analysis/privateThreadPoolThreadsPerCore 2

analysis/privateThreadPoolMaxThreadsPerCore 18

analysis/privateThreadPoolCpuLimitThreshold 60

analysis/privateThreadPoolMaxNewThreadsPerSecond 5

analysis/privateThreadPoolThreadPriorityDelta 0


application/maxReceivedMessageSizeMb 1024

application/maxReaderQuotasSizeKb 256

application/maxConcurrentWebServiceCallsPerCore 16

application/requestTimeoutSeconds 300

application/connectionIdleTimeoutSeconds 7200

application/userSessionTimeout 0:20:00

application/checkUserSessionTimeoutIntervalSeconds 120


DataBlockStorageIOSizeKB 64

DataBlockStorage_MemoryLoadCriticalLimit 96

Data engine page out memory limit 85

QueryCacheEntryMaxAge 1.00:00:00

Health Status Strained and Exhausted levels

WebPlayer_AverageCpuLoadExhaustedLimit 90

WebPlayer_AverageCpuLoadNotExhaustedLimit 85

WebPlayer_AverageCpuLoadStrainedLimit 50

WebPlayer_AverageCpuLoadNotStrainedLimit 45

WebPlayer_AverageCpuLoadCountOnlyCurrentProcess FALSE

DataBlockStorage_MemoryLoadExhaustedLimit 98

DataBlockStorage_MemoryLoadNotExhaustedLimit 93

DataBlockStorage_MemoryLoadStrainedLimit 75

DataBlockStorage_MemoryLoadNotStrainedLimit 70

DataBlockStorage_UseProcessSizeForExhaustedStatus FALSE

DataBlockStorage_MaxProcessSizeLimit 100

Health status numeric values

Ok 0

Strained 5

Exhausted 8


recoverMemory/enabled TRUE

recoverMemory/actionWhenOk DoNothing

recoverMemory/actionWhenStrained RunGc

recoverMemory/actionWhenExhausted Recycle

recoverMemory/recycleIfScheduledAndCacheEnabled FALSE

recoverMemory/recycleEvenIfScheduledAnalyses FALSE

recoverMemory/triggerEvenIfUsersLoggedIn TRUE

recoverMemory/allowGcEvenIfAnalysesLoaded FALSE

recoverMemory/minMinutesBetweenGc 60

recoverMemory/minMinutesBeforeRecycle 300


cookies/autoTransfer JSESSIONID, XSRF-TOKEN

timeout/value 3600000




TibcoSpotfireStatisticsServicesPasswords (count) 1




SettingsFolderName Spotfire Worker


TempFolder E:tibcotsnm7.11nmservicesWebWorker-32.1.13307.4449-0bfb9d69-732e-431e-b501-4a95ff1d2f92Tempyuie2W7JnUq3UpC-wPgWKA


Bookmarks_MinimumSynchronizationIntervalSeconds 60

WebServerPortAllocationCount -1

WebServerPortFrom -1

WebServerPortTo -1

ExportRendererCount -1

ExportRenderingTimeout -1


ThreadingCache_TransientErrorMaxAge 0:10:00

ThreadingCache_TransientErrorHasAbsoluteMaxAge TRUE

ThreadingModel_MaxNumberOfThreadsPerCore 1

SubprocessService_PreferImpersonation FALSE

LogLiveWorkItems enabled FALSE




AllowCustomQueries TRUE

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Hello Jolene,

There could be multiple reasons for this. However, it is surely related to something on the Node Manager server. The time taken to access reports, etc on Web Player is related to resources on the Node Manager server. You can check the available memory and CPU utilization on the node manager server.


One quick test would be to install Spotfire Analyst on the node manager server and check if the one click stuffs take time to load in the analyst there. If that is the case then something specific to the Node Manager server is responsible for this.


Also, try restarting the node manager service once and see if there is any change in the performance. Node Managers must be restarted at regular intervals depending on how heavily the Node Manager services are used. This will clean up the old cache stuffs that are not needed anynore and will boost the performance in many cases.

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