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Is Spotfire able to export to Excel and display filter selections and include Company logo/ Confidentiality/ Proprietary like Cognos

Matt Pettengill

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We need to provide our client the ability to export a tabular report from Spotfire while including at the top of the page.


Company Logo (top left)

Confidentiality logo (top right)

Proprietary logo (under Confidentiality logo)

Filter selections (under Company logo)


How can this be done



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Unfortunately, this is not feasible in Spotfire directly. You can export active page to PDF to get that layout. Table exported in PDF will contain all the rows.

But if table exported as Formatted or Unformatted Table, then it will not contain all the logs filter selections etc.

You can setup an IronPython script to get your desired result exported in excel i.e. table+logos+filter selection or setup a custom extension for the same purpose.

Note: IronPython Script will not be able to export report to the client's machine if it is triggered on webplayer. Instead, exported reportwill be saved in Node Manager machine's folder.

With custom extension, you would be able to save it in client's machine folder directoy.



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