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[ERROR] Using R to set Document Properties in Spotfire

Luiz Eduardo Zappa

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I was using R to set document properties like this video: https://www.youtube.com/watchv=81vXShmDyOM

Everthing was fine.. I've created some documents properties, and all worked well.

But from now on, ever time i try to set a new document property with this method, i get this error when creating an expression to pass value to the document propery:

Data function Nome Projeto as property debug output

Unmarshalling 1 input parameters.

Input 'resultValue', sent by inline XML

chr NA

Done unmarshalling input parameters.

Marshalling 1 output parameters.

Output 'selectedValue', sent by inline XML

data.frame w/ 1 obs. of 1 variables:

$selectedValue: factor w/ 0 levels: NA

Done marshalling output parameters.

The script of Data Function is:

selectedValue UniqueConcatenate([bD - BD].[NomeCompleto])

Output: document property ==> FilteredNomeCompleto

Note: Column [NomeCompleto] type is String.


What's going on This process for setting other documents property works perfect, but now the newest aren't.

I'm using Spotfire 7.14

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if it worked so far it must be something in the data. The error says that resultValue is empty, and it mentions a data frameas output with column selectedValue (which is empty).

Can you check the input/output assignments

Is the data sent in limited by filtering or marking

You can check what data gets into the data function by adding a first statement like:


executing the data function then loading.RData into RStudio.

If still a problem please upload a sample dxp with the data function


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