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How to add calculated column to OSI PI Datasource before adding data to rows of table

Michael Springer 2

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I have a data source that I got from OSI PI and add to an existing data table if it exists:

ds = DataSourceImpl(pm)


if Document.Data.Tables.Contains(dt_name):

column_settings = AddRowsSettings(Document.Data.Tables[dt_name], ds)

Document.Data.Tables[dt_name].AddRows(ds, column_settings)


Document.Data.Tables.Add(dt_name, ds)However, I would like to calculate a new column based on values from the data source. I want the combined data source data and new calculated column added as rows to an existing datatable. How would I add this

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Your question is not very clear but if you would like to add a calculated column to a data table this is how you can do it -

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import CalculatedColumn


cols = Document.Data.Tables["MyTable"].Columns


cols.AddCalculatedColumn("ThisIsACalculatedColumn", "Expression");If this is not what you are looking for please elaborate your question.



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