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Javascript get value of Document Property or Calculated Value not working

Luiz Eduardo Zappa

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I'm having troubles trying to pass a value from a label to javascript.

I've already searched a lot of topics about it here, but none of them worked for me.

I tried to replicate this example: https://support.tibco.com/s/article/Tibco-KnowledgeArticle-Article-45505_ga=2.130727247.1933645704.1560176404-1510580711.1547722993

But it didn't work. I've attached in this post my attempts.

My Spotfire version is 7.14

HTML Code:

Count of "JBF A" with label:




Count of "JBF A" with Calculated Value: 



Count of "JBF A" manual: 

6Javascript Code:



var labelVal = $("labelJBF").text();

alert('Label >> ' + labelVal);


var calcV = $("calcVV").text();

alert('Calculated Value >> ' + calcV);


var manualVal = $("manualV").text();

alert('Manual >> ' + manualVal);


var calcID = $("2e9830d4a91b405ba7628907457683f8").text();

alert('Directed ID >> ' + calcID);


As you can observe, i tried to get the value with javascript from Label, from calculated value, manually inputted, direct from spotfire ID.. But in all of them, alerts appear blank, like these:

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Hi there,


Two small changes to your original example, and it should work perfectly. You need to add # to the start of each of your selectors i.e the $("name") should be $("#name"). This tells Javascript to look for a tag with that id.


var labelVal = $("#labelJBF").text();
alert('Label >> ' + labelVal);

var calcV = $("#calcVV").text();
alert('Calculated Value >> ' + calcV);

var manualVal = $("#manualV").text();
alert('Manual >> ' + manualVal);

var calcID = $("#2e9830d4a91b405ba7628907457683f8").text();
alert('Directed ID >> ' + calcID);


You then need to add your javascript code as a Javascript code snippet using the 'Insert Javascript' on the top right of the icon menu when editing the HTML of your text area. Then give you script a name and paste in the code (without the script tags).


Its always better to use the insert javascript option over adding javascript directly into the HTML where possible.


The reason your second method works is becuase it is using a traditional javascript element selector rather than a JQuery selector (which requires # or .'s to identify tags). However, the original method can be used with more things such as labels etc.


Hope this helps



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Colin, thank you very much! I was racking my brains, but it was only one character lol

Can i you help with this:

I've added the script in "insert js" like you suggested, but I made a mistake and instead of editing current script, i was clicking in "insert js", and the script had replicated many times. So i removed the script, but now appears a lot of: "The script has been removed." How I clear this See the image in attatch to better understand

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