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connect to SSAS through Information Desinger using JDBC dirver

Olesia Trusova

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Hi everyone,

We have SSAS OLAP-cube and would like to use Tibco SpotFire to create dashboards on this cube.

Could you please help us with Information Desinger so as to connect to SSAS - in particularly we are interested in how to create URL connection to SSASusing JDBC driver!

Thank you in advance.

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Hello Olesia,

Cubes are supported via connector. There is an existing enhancement idea to support cubes via information services. Upvote for it.



I was checking online and I found this open source jdbc driver http://www.jdbc4olap.org/ which supports SSAS you may want to create your own jdbc template and try and test creating your own jdbc template and test.

You can find some information on how to create a jdbc template at the below link


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