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Reading a local file in TERR Server

Sergio Beristain 7

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I am trying to read a local file from a mounted drivein the TERR Server by using:


But it seems that I do not have access to this drive. I have already tried the full path and I:

- Changed the user which runs the TERR Service to the domain user who has access to the NAS folder

- Mapped it on the start menu by using the following procedure:https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/84a89d4e-7a2e-4b5b-9ab6-68c68cabf3e0/map-network-drive-auto-connect-for-all-usersforum=winserverManagement

- Used both the full path and the mapped drive but it does not work.


Does anyone has an idea I know that in the Web Player there is a setting for using mapped or other drives, but is there one in TERR

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