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How to select or filter the latest date or current date in Listboxfilter thru Iron python script

Shailendra Tripathi

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I have a created a listbox filter in text area. The listboxfilter is created on "Load Date" column, which helps me to filter the Current date data.So whenever i reload data on daily basis, i get current date data including the previous dates also.So the listboxfilter displays all the past dates+ adds up current date as well, as thenew data appended. butthe filter does not select the current date on its own. So my query is, how can i auto select the current date, once the data is refreshed, because i have to select the current datemanaully here, which i wanted to avoid. To accomplish this, i was thinking to use some Iron python script to auto select the latest date in the text area listbox filter.

Please help me on the issue to create Iron python script or tell me if any other method is available in spotfire to acheive it.




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You can trigger an iron python script to select the required value in the list box filter and this python script can be triggered on load of the report.


Please use these references-

To select a filter value-



To trigger iron python on load via a javascript-


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