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Giovanni Norero

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Looking for an option to show 0 values on the line chart

average without 0 values (just week days) and

average with 0 values (closed days but would like to include on calculation)

linechart over time (days X-axis) the number of items by category (daily sum y-axis)

are there any setting that:


will drop the marker to days with 0

will allow to calculate average based on days with values and all days past


the automated output report comes in *.csv and skips days with 0 and only outputs days that have values, therefore it skips holidays or any days closed.



Hello Gaia,

Basically, as per the picture attached at the moment the line does not drop for 0 days

also the avg is vased on the values and it does not take into account the days at 0

I would like the line to show 0 for April 30 to May 7

also the avg in that case should be 1770 when accounting for 0 days.



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Hello Gaia,

Basically, as per the picture attached at the moment the line does not drop for 0 days

also the avg is vased on the values and it does not take into account the days at 0

I would like the line to show 0 for April 30 to May 7

also the avg in that case should be 1770 when accounting for 0 days.




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