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How to get full list of filters valules (both selected and unselected) in WebPlayer via JS

Manoj Chaurasia

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I'm currently trying to get list of all values for the filter schema not just those unselected / selected.


Using spotfire.webPlayer.includedFilterSettings.ALL_WITH_UNCHECKED_HIERARCHY_NODES or spotfire.webPlayer.includedFilterSettings.ALL_WITH_CHECKED_HIERARCHY_NODES option does not change the results for checked or unchecked. Always get only checked values.


Kind regards,

Kuldeep Singh

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  • 6 years later...

You can obtain thedistinct values from the data table/column for the filters.


function BuildUniqueList(doc, dtname, dcname, elem_name) {

doc.data.getDataTable(dtname, function(dataTable) {

dataTable.getDataColumn(dcname, function(dataColumn) {

dataColumn.getDataColumnProperties(function(properties) {});

dataColumn.getDistinctValues(0, 100, function(distinctValues) {


t = distinctValues

var data = [];

for (var i = 0; i < distinctValues.values.length; i++) {



label: distinctValues.values,

value: distinctValues.values,

selected: true




$(elem_name).multiselect('dataprovider', data);





}In the above example I take the distinct values from a column and then pass them to a multiselect drop down.







Then the changes from the drop down are returned to the setfilters function :



$(document).ready(function () {



includeSelectAllOption: true,

onChange: function () {


var ViewDD = document.getElementById("MyDropdown");

var selectedView = [];

for (var i = 0; i < ViewDD.length; i++) {

if (ViewDD.options.selected)





SetFilterValues(doc, 'Filtering scheme', 'Table', 'Column', selectedView)


onSelectAll: function () {


var ViewDD = document.getElementById("MyDropdown");

var selectedView = [];

for (var i = 0; i < ViewDD.length; i++) {





SetFilterValues(doc, 'Filtering scheme', 'Table', 'Column', selectedView)


buttonText: function (options, select) {

return "DropDown Name";




function SetFilterValues(doc, fil_sch, dtname, dcname, mysel) {

var filterColumns = new Array();

filterColumns[0] = {

filteringSchemeName: fil_sch,

dataTableName: dtname,

dataColumnName: dcname,

filterSettings: {

includeEmpty: true,

values: mysel




doc.filtering.setFilters(filterColumns, 2);



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