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Sum over first category, but show for all categories

Juliane Behrend

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In a block diagram I would like to show the quotient of two sums of rows of a table over a set of categories , say sum([A])/sum() OVER (All([Axis.X])). The categories are called 'Overall' and then a set of subgroups. Since the subsgroups don't contain all the values of , I would like to use the sum() of the category 'Overall' in the denominator, but then show the result for all categories. How can I solve this
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Sensor Region Pulses Signal sum(Signal)/sum(Pulses_total)
1 Overall 120 2800 210/7800 = 0.027
2 Overall 20 3600 210/7800 = 0.027
3 Overall 70 1400 210/7800 = 0.027
1 Top 120 2800 140/7800 = 0.018
2 Top 20 3600 140/7800 = 0.018
3 Bottom 70 1400 70/7800 = 0.009


 Here is an example of what I am trying to do. The signal is suppose to be normalized by the total number of pulses of the region 'Overall' for each region, while the sum(signal) is for each region the sum over the individual measured signals.


Oh, and I want to do the calculation in a block diagram, so that filters can be applied, like sensor confirguration or sensor disfunctional, etc.

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Thanks, Jaime, for looking into my problem. This approach is also what I tried initially, but then the numbers don't adjust to filtering. So if, say, sensor 1 had a different configuration than sensor 2 and 3, and I only want to look at the last two, the total number of pulses should also be restricted to those. 
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I solved this by restructuring the data. Now all regions contain the same amount of rows as 'Overall' and all the pulse data of 'Overall', while the signal data is filled up with zeros. This works, although it is not the most elegant solution because of all the added data.
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