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how to get a grand total value for all the rows or else how to fix empty values for all the rows except grand total

gurusai sankar

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Hi All,

PFA- dxp file

i have the data like capacity fte , Allocation fte, Availabilty fte. Avilability = [Capacity fte] - Allocation fte]

please follow the below scenario and request your help.

select a resource called " Ziyu jin "in the resource filter and marked july 2018. and also set grnad total ,then we will get the output like below.

Resource name project name capacity Fte Allocation Fte Availability fte

Ziyu Jin Next gen,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 0.12 0.88

Patient BI Analytics 1 0.14 0.86

Total 1 0.26 0.74


but expected senario is like in the below. we have to chnage avialbilty. availabilty should not be display for indivudual project for a resource. it should be calulate across all the projects fpr a resource.so that we are expecting avilabilty in the below. either we have to show grnd total value for all the rows else we should fix empty values for all the rows except grand total.

Resource name project name capacity Fte Allocation Fte Availability fte

Ziyu Jin Next gen,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 0.12 0.74

Patient BI Analytics 1 0.14 0.74

Total 1 0.26 0.74


(or )




Resource name project name capacity Fte Allocation Fte Availability fte

Ziyu Jin Next gen,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 0.12

Patient BI Analytics 1 0.14

Total 1 0.26 0.74

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Replace the third column with


(case when count([RESOURCE_NAME])>1 then Sum(case when [Distinct]=1 then ([CAPACITY_FTE]) else 0 end) else sum([CAPACITY_FTE]) end) -(Sum([ALLOCATION_FTE]) over (Parent([Axis.Rows])))as [AVAILABILITY FTE]

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