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Dr. Spotfire, How can I resolve connection error between my spotfire servers

saminda roshan

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Dear Dr. Spotfire

I installed 4spotfire servers in my company which are on cluster environment. I've got an error when I triedto install my 5th spotfire server which is also on cluster environment. I wentthrough the same procedure as previous when I installing the 5th spotfire server.

I can log in to spotfire server but itshows ayellow warning saying I/O error and connection failure with other spotfire servers.port shows as 0/0 in nodes and services.

Error notice is like this in spotfire admin console

I/O error on POST request for "https://:0/spotfire/nodemanager/ping/":"

connect to :443 connected time out;

nested exception is org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTImeoutException:Connect to :443 failed:connect timed out attempt communicate with node was unsucessful.


and in the server log it shows like this

WARN [*Initialization*] jazelcast.instance.DefaultAddressPicker:[Local][][3.4]Could not find a maching address to start with! Picking one of non-loopback addresses.

WARN[*Initialization*] nodemanager.control.TopologyInspector:Exception when commnunicating with I/O error on post request for ..............................


by the way , All of them share same repository DB and I can telnet from my other spotfire servers to my 5th spotfire server.


I would be really greateful if you can giveme a solution.

Thank you.



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