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Custom Curve Name via property controls

Manoj Chaurasia

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I have an input property control that drives the custom curve draw. I need to label the curve the same name as the input. For example, my input is 50 in the text area in the property control, it draws new curve with this input as a variable in the expression. I need to now label that curve '50' or what ever number I input. I cant seem to make the custom curve name recognize anything but plain text. Wondering if I can name this curve same as the property control that drove the new curve. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Please refer the attached screenshot: [curve.bmp]


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  • 6 years later...

Hi -

I have this exact same questions. Was this ever resolved, or does anyone know how to do this

I have attmpted to put ${variableName} in the "Custom" field, as the original poster showed in the screenshot above, but this does not work. It ends up only showing "${variableName}" on the graph, adjacent to my line.



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