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Marking from a Drop down menu

Tze Yik Lim

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I am trying to use Drop down menu to control marking of data table column like above following example from https://datashoptalk.com/marking-from-a-drop-down-menu/

IronPython script

Document.Data.Markings["Marking"].SetSelection(dataTable.Select("[RefLastNLot] = '${RefLastNLot}'"), dataTable)


But, It give me error below. Can anyone advice what did i do wrong I thought is the data type issue, but i double check the data table column and document property data type are both "integer". So, i am not sure what i am missing.

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 4, in

Exception: Invalid type for method call '=' on line 1 character 15


Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Exceptions.ExpressionTypeException: Invalid type for method call '=' on line 1 character 15

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