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Open a webpage from IronPython

Brian Deadwyler

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I have a Graphical table which displays some cells which I would like to click and have them take me to a specific web page. I got his working two different ways in the Enterprise Client but can not get it to run in the Web Client. Here is the basical IronPython code I can run in the Fat Cleint but not in the web client:


from System import Diagnostics

from System.Diagnostics import Process



I can also get this to work, but only in the fat client:


import clr


from System.Windows.Forms import WebBrowser

wb = WebBrowser()

wb.Navigate("www.google.com", True)


It seems like it would it would be simple to just open a URL in the default browser. Any help on this is appreciated. Thanks,

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  • 2 years later...

This script was used to make a button to pop open a webpage. I spoke with support and it was in a tip of the week from Kevin Hanegan originally but the script did not work without the breaks in it. You might be able to hack out peices from it.


from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import HtmlTextArea

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import VisualTypeIdentifiers

from System.Text import StringBuilder


from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import HtmlTextArea

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import VisualTypeIdentifiers

from System.Text import StringBuilder



sb = StringBuilder()








textArea = Document.ActivePageReference.Visuals.AddNew[HtmlTextArea]()


textArea.HtmlContent = sb.ToString()

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Just an update . . . I opened a support ticket with TIBCO on this. In their first reply they basically gave me what madelman had above. It makes me wonder if TIBCO support just starts browsing forumns for a solution.


I replied, as I did here, that that that solution is not a solution for my requirement. Well meaning, but not helpful. I will update here if I can get a solution from them.

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