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"Personalized" information link

todd jones 3

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I have an info link set up for a date range filter for a data table that ultimately serves multiple users and analyses. There are 17 other tables that are related to it.

There are multiple users (in separate groupings)that will use my base analysis to filter and create their own analyses and visualizations.

In order to speed up loading and filtering, I want to set up a second filter that will be specific to a groups interest. I don't have need to create personalized info link for security purposes. Anyone from one group should be able to view an analysis that is managed by persons in another group.

If I create a filter for an information link, it won't be applicable for all groups. I'd rather not create another prompt after the date range selection since the analysis created will already be specific to the user/group (redundant). It would also need to be selected based on a singleword found in the string that will vary over time.

Ultimately, each analysis should be able to be opened by anyone. Prompt them for a date range, thendata rowsby the date range selected and string values in another column (specificto the analysis, invisible to the user) will be pulled in.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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