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Spotfire X trades functionality for aesthetics!

John Wahrenberger

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I have been using Spotfire X for a few days and have already noticed features that I often use are no longer available. Is it just me or does it seem that this new version trades functionality for aesthetics

One thing I've noticed is that when I right click on a layer in the layer panel (map chart) it no longer allows me to enter the properties immediately thus making me click several more times to get to an individual properties dialog. The extra clicks is a trend I've been noticing while navigating the "new and improved" UI. Can we have an option to return to the old UI It was much easier to navigate...

My biggest complaint is the export to PDF function. I only have 5 paper sizes now where I had a plethora of choices before. Since I still cannot set a custom zoom extent on the map chart this rollback of features has essentially rendered spotfire useless for me in a lot of ways. I can no longer get the labels and zoom extent that I want on a pdf. I'm either zoomed too far out and labels disappear, or I'm zoomed too far in and cant see all my data.... this is a HUGE problem in my eyes. am i the only one that sees this as an issue

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Shortcut keys were deprecated. Our users are saying they have to do more clicks to perform the same tasks, which is the opposite direction I would like to see the application go. There are several places efficiency could be addedlike...

... being able to add more than on filter at a time

...expand all/collapse all buttons when adding filters and in the filter panel

....being able to add more than one property control at a time

Spotfire 10 also took away the reset filters button from easy reach. Users should not have to go into a menu for that.

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Hi John, Can you you let me know what you mean by "I still cannot set a custom zoom extent on the map chart this rollback of features has essentially rendered spotfire useless for me in a lot of ways. I can no longer get the labels and zoom extent that I want on a pdf. I'm either zoomed too far out and labels disappear, or I'm zoomed too far in and cant see all my data". I'd be curious to know exactly what you are trying to do there and see where the roadblocks were.


And jsebby does have a very good suggestion of using the legacy PDF export via Tools > Options > Compatibility

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They also deprecated the ability to group objects when exporting from power point. Before Spotfire X, users had an option when exporting to PPT to group objects.  This was a very useful feature because the Spotfire labels aren't moveable.  With the grouping option, you could export to PPT and then ungroup all the individual objects and reorient as needed for PPT presentations.  That was the only work around we had for this inflexibility in the application.  That was removed in Spotfire X. 


You can upvote the idea here: https://ideas.tibco.com/ideas/TS-I-7103





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