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Iton Python api for closing the spotfire in script

Praveen Krishnamurthy

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is not working me


Added the following two lines in script and tried to run script

import Spotfire.Dxp.Application


Throws the following error

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "Spotfire.Dxp.Application.IronPython20", line unknown, in ExecuteForDebugging

File "", line 2, in

NameError: name 'Close' is not defined

Microsoft.Scripting.Runtime.UnboundNameException: name 'Close' is not defined

at IronPython.Runtime.PythonContext.MissingName(SymbolId name)

at Microsoft.Scripting.Runtime.LanguageContext.LookupName(CodeContext context, SymbolId name)

at Microsoft.Scripting.Runtime.RuntimeHelpers.LookupName(CodeContext context, SymbolId name)

at $26##26(Closure , Scope , LanguageContext )

at Microsoft.Scripting.SourceUnit.Execute(Scope scope, ErrorSink errorSink)

at Spotfire.Dxp.Application.IronPython20.IronPythonScriptEngine.ExecuteForDebugging(String scriptCode, Dictionary`2 scope, Stream outputStream)

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