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Information link using freehand sql

Manoj Chaurasia

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Hi ,


I am creating a info link using freehand sql,


first I have created data elements and then I have created Information link on that but I want some changes in the original sql.


1. How can I insert a column 2 times, I tried but I am getting only one time


2. In free hand sql I had a Group by clause , how to do it in spotfire


If I put simply Group By as normal sql It is giving me error while loading data.




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thank you John,


But I tried to add column 2 times in the data elements, but 2nd time "add" button is grayed out , I can't able to add it to the data elements twice.


and in informationlink using free hand sql by adding same column with different name 2 times also , i am getting only one time when I load the data in to the report.( I am guessing this because in data elemts column present one time even in original sql or using free hand sql also you can able to use the column only one time ....I am not sure)


I didn't tried by changing names while adding into the data elements . I need to try..But I don't see any option to change the name while creating data elements.

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