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can not start analyst on offline mode if pydf is deployed and server is not started

wee lee

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I tested several times and it seems pydf 1.2.1 caused this issue.

Test: pydf 1.2.1 is deployed and installed to Spotfire Analyst 10.1 HF-001 and spotfire server is not started(service stopped), when starting analyst and clicking "offline", Analyst client terminated with error as below.

2019-03-07T12:45:26,586+08:00 2019-03-07 04:45:26,586 [Main Thread] ERROR Spotfire.Dxp.Loader.Program [(null)] - Program failed with an exception.

Spotfire.Dxp.Services.ManifestReader+ManifestWebException: Could not connect to server 'http://localhost:8101/' to download manifest. Cannot connect to host 'localhost'. ---> System.Net.WebException: Cannot connect to host 'localhost'.

Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.HttpClient.WinINet.WinINetWebResponse.HandleSendResult(IntPtr requestHandle, Int64 sendResult)


Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.HttpClient.NativeWebResponse..ctor(NativeHttpClient httpClient, NativeWebRequest request)




--- ---

Spotfire.Dxp.Services.ManifestReader.DownloadAndParse(WebRequestCreator requestCreator)

Spotfire.Dxp.Services.ManifestReader.GetReader(Uri uri, WebRequestCreator requestCreator)

Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.Login.LoginInfo..ctor(Uri serverUri, String area)

Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.Login.LoginInfo..ctor(Uri serverUri, String area, SpotfireIdentity identity)

Spotfire.Dxp.Loader.ProgramLoader.PrepareForStartingMain(Dictionary`2 state, String[] args, String upgradePath, List`1 moduleFolders, StarterSplash starterSplash, Boolean isCalledByLegacyStarter, Boolean isLog4netConfigured)

Spotfire.Dxp.Loader.ProgramLoader.InternalExecute(Dictionary`2 state, String[] args, Object splash, Version starterVersion, IList`1 moduleFolderList, String upgradePath, Boolean isCalledByLegacyStarter)

If spotfire server is started, the no issues. Or if pydf modules are removed from analyst, no issues either.

Best regards,

Wei Li

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