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inconsistency between spotfire data type and python data type

wee lee

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As far as I tested, data type is converted as below, some of them are inconsistent.


Format: Data type of input parameter from spotfire -> data type in Python -> data type of output parameter to Spotfire

Integer -> numpy.int64 -> Integer

Real -> numpy.float64 -> SingleReal(should be Real)

SingleReal -> str (should be numpy.float32) -> String (should be SingleReal)

Currency -> numpy.float64 -> SingleReal (should be Currency)

String -> str -> String

Date -> str(should be "date") -> String (should be Date)

Time -> str(should be "time") -> String (should be Time)

DateTime -> str(should be "datetime") -> String (should be DateTime)

Boolean -> numpy.bool_ -> Boolean

LongInteger -> numpy.int64 -> LongInteger/Integer depends on value (should be LongInteger always)


Pelase see attached example dxp.

Best regards,

Wei Li

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