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Spotfire to PostgreSQL with PostGIS connection, viewing map data

Brett Gray

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I am trying to setup a connection to a PostGIS database that is populated with geometry data coming out of QGIS and ArcGIS. I was able to setup a connection to the database using the data connection and I can see the geometry data stored in binary and I get a preview of the features, but I cannot get the data to post to a map chart. The database does not store a XMin, XMax, YMin, YMax, XCenter, YCenter when I upload the shapefiles to the database. I assumed that spotfire could read this from the binary to project the data, but I see in the Configuration of Geographical Data for Map Charts under help that it requires the coordinate data to be stored in a table. Am I going to have to do this for every object I upload to the database

When you load a shapefile into spotfire I am assuming it extracts this data for you because that data isn't stored in the .dbf, why is the behavior from PostGIS different

Trying to come up with the most efficient way to get spatial polygon data into spotfire.

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