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Why am I unable to pass through a calculated value to a document property

Brian Collins

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I've been using the following as a test run for passing calculated values to document properties for later use:





1. Create a calculated value

and put it inside the calcVal



2.Create a (hidden) input property control

that updates myPropertyControl: ""


3. Optionally add a

label property control to make sure the value is transferred

Label Property Control myPropertyControl:""


4. Optionally add a button to manually trigger the javascript that transferred to the "myPropertyControl" Document Property:



The calculated value takes real number column inputs and uses the following expression to spit out another real number. Essentially, it's just interpolating based on a straight line fit. (I realize there's probably an easier way of doing this calculation but I'm literally brand new to scripting)

((Sum([btu Content] * [Ethane]) - (Sum([btu Content]) * Sum([Ethane]) / Count(RowId()))) / (Sum([btu Content] ^ 2) - ((sum([btu Content]) ^ 2) / Count(RowId())))*${TargetBtuContent})+(Sum([Ethane])/Count(RowId()) - ((Sum([btu Content] * [Ethane]) - (Sum([btu Content]) * Sum([Ethane]) / Count(RowId()))) / (Sum([btu Content] ^ 2) - ((sum([btu Content]) ^ 2) / Count(RowId()))))*(Sum([btu Content])/Count(RowId())))


Then there's a button with the following javascript embedded:

var oldValue=0

transferValue = function(){


//get value from calcVal spotfire Calculated Value Dyn Item



//update input when oldValue changes


$("#inputPropertyControl input").val(value).blur();





//test value manually



//if button works, then un-comment this line to automatically refresh

//setInterval(transferValue,333) //3 times per second

As of now, nothing happens when I click the button. Although the instructions I'm attempting to follow don't say anything about assigning script parameters, is that something that needs to be done here

Another concern I have is that data types are not consistent but I don't know if there's anything to that.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I just test on 7.12 and the script from the link you shared seems to be working as expected.


My HTML is as below


<SPAN id="calcVal"><SpotfireControl id="0597c3e59bfd4a2581d2bafb5f401063" /></SPAN>

<i>myPropertyControl:</i> <span style="DISPLAY:none" id="inputPropertyControl"><SpotfireControl id="0a656765f23f442e9ba2626e2c4996d6" /></span>

<i>myPropertyControl</i>:<SpotfireControl id="6609158083f74bbca954d2b12c7d5d96" />

<span id="transferValueBtn">Transfer</span>


and my JavaScript is


var oldValue=0
transferValue = function(){

  //get value from calcVal spotfire Calculated Value Dyn Item

  //update input when oldValue changes
     $("#inputPropertyControl input").val(value).blur(); 

//test value manually


Can you verify if you have the same. If it is still not working, would it be possible for you to attach a sample analysis



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