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Selection made in particular List Box filters to sum up values from their particular columns.

Vikash G

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I have a table as shownbelow:




Catgeory A

Category B

Qty A

Qty B






















This data table would give 2 List box filters for Category A & B with "All" values present in them namelyCategoryA & Category B list box filters.

Now I also have a KPI Chart where I justshow Sum(QTY A or B). But, this sum(A/B)should dependon filter value selected in Listbox Filters A & B.

Desired Output:

If both list box filters A & B are selected"ALL" by default the show sum(Qty A) i.e. = 6.

When a value is selected only from list box filter A (say A2) then show sum(Qty A) i.e. =2.

But when a value from list box filter B (say B5)is selected then show sum(Qty B) i.e = 5.

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  • 2 months later...

This can be done using listbox document property. But as you want to have filters, you can setup data function to trigger on filter selection, which will set some doc propertyvalue which in turn will trigger an iron python script to identify which column filter is setup, then accordingly you can set another doc property value as A or B based on filter selection. This doc property you can use in KPI chart like Sum(["${doc2}"])

In this way, whenever you select any filter, this property will be updated, summing up required column.

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