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How do I make my Spotfire open faster in Browser

Miguel Barbosa

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I've published a Spotfire file with 70 '.txt' files linked to it. The total size of the files is around 2Gb. when the users open it in their web browser it takes + - 27 minutes to load the linked tables.

I need an option that enhances opening performance. The issue seems to be the aumont of data and the way they are linked to Spotfire.

This runs in a server and the users open the BI in their browser.

I've tryed to embeed the data, it lowers the time, but forces me to interact with the software every time I want to update the data. The solution is supposed to run automatically.

I need to open this in less than 5 minutes.

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Another option would be on-demand. Don't load all the data at once to the report. Load summary data quickly and based upon the drill down request from the users, bring just the requested data. This way, you can avoid the performance issue.

Another option is as Kirsten mentioned, cache the data and update the cache periodically according to the requirements.

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