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Display previous month from date chosen in filter in Spotfire Text Area

Egor Kasprov

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I have plot and display Date filter for this plot in text area. Also I display numbers in other Text area from this grapgh - in 2 lines. for the first line - I need to show date chosen in filter for second line - previous date from chosen month in a filter. Do you have any ideas how to display second line. so, when I change date in filter in changes in both lines Thank you for your help.
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One way to do it is via a python script to ,

1)Get the selected value from the filter-



2)Write a python script to compare the date and set the document property to a previous month-

d = 'January,2019' (this is hard coded here for simplicity but it needs to be retrieved via the python script in step -1 as suggested above)


if 'January1' in d:




This python script can be triggered manually or via a data function (steps listed in this article)


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