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StreamBase 10: How can I resolve an FTL UnsatisfiedLinkeError for tibftljni.dll

Steve Barber

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I'm getting a java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:TIBCOftl5.3bintibftljni.dll: Can't find dependent libraries when trying to use the FTL Subscribe adapter for StreamBase 10.4.


2019-02-01 12:44:20.765000-0500 [3972:EventFlow Fragment] ERROR Subscribe: Error initializing: C:TIBCOftl5.3bintibftljni.dll: Can't find dependent libraries

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:TIBCOftl5.3bintibftljni.dll: Can't find dependent libraries

at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(ClassLoader.java:1941)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java:1857)

at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Runtime.java:870)

at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(System.java:1122)

at com.tibco.ftl.FTL.(FTL.java:79)

at com.streambase.sb.adapter.tibcoftl.FTLLibraryLogLevel.setLevel(FTLLibraryLogLevel.java:129)

at com.streambase.sb.adapter.tibcoftl.FTLLibraryLogLevel.setLevel(FTLLibraryLogLevel.java:105)

at com.streambase.sb.adapter.tibcoftl.TibcoFTLInput.init(TibcoFTLInput.java:234)But I've followed all the instructions; and %FTL_HOME%/bin is on theexternalNativeLibraryPath for Windows in my StreamBaseEngine conf file.

What's going wrong

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Apparently, it's not enough to have FTL_HOMEbin on the Java Library Path. For Windows, FTL seems to need -- at least FTL 5.3 seems to need -- FTL_HOMEbin to be on the PATH environment variable, and apparently at the front of the PATH.

In order to arrange this, %FTL_HOME%bin has to be at the front of the PATH when the StreamBase node is installed.

So if you are installing the node from the epadmin command line, do your


before you do your

epadmin install node

and all should be well.

It's worth pointing out the documentation about the node's inherited environment:http://devzone.tibco.com/sites/streambase/latest/sb/sb-product/documentation/adminguide/ch02s01.html(section: Inherited Environment)

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