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Line Graph Smoothing

Nick Napier

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In short, please "smooth" the line in the attached .dxp file.

For more details... I have a line chart in Spotfire. On the x-axis is date and the y-axis is an amount. Specifically, the y-axis is the weighted average of a minimum amount for each date on x-axis for each CAT_1 for each CAT_2. The y-axis expression is

WeightedAverage( [Weighting Factor] ,

Min([NUMERIC_1]) over (Intersect([CAT_1],[CAT_2],[DATE_1]))) as [Weighted Average of Minimum]

The line is very jumpy so I'd like to smooth it. I thought of using the moving average expression, perhaps using a 7-day moving average. However, I'm not sure how to nest my WeightedAverage function (shown above) in the MovingAverage function because that's also a compound function.

Any ideas on how to smooth my line chart

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