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Hot to style a dropdown property control in a text area


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I need to change the background color of a dropdown property control in a text area editing theHTML script, but I can't make it work. The dropdown or dropbtn class do not seem to apply to the spotfirecontrol.Any idea

As an alternative I tried creating an HTML dropdown control with a customized format, but I don't know how to link this object to the Spotfire document property.




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It may be possible to change the default CSS of an Spotfire Porptert Control like dropdown but we generally do not recommend this. If you want to change the css, you can do the following to enable developer tools in Analyst client and inspect the HMTL to make changes to the CSS,

To enable the Development Tools menu option, select Tools > Options, go to the Application page and select the 'Show development menu' check box. Now goto Tools - Development - Developer Tools -Console

If you want to continue with your alternative, where you have created your own custom dropdown and save the selected value to a document propert , it can be done as below,

1. Insert a Label property control and wrap it in a div and if needed you can hide this proeprty

2. Create your own DropDown and trigger a function on change of this dropdown so that we can assign the value to the label created above






3. Insert the following JS


function test(){

var e = document.getElementById("customdd").value;




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