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Collapsible tree in Spotfire - Using JSViz 3.4 Framework

Marco Rizzo

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While it is not possible to describe how to create every possible chart type, the general steps in creating a new visualization using an existing JavaScript library or code fragement are described in Chapter 4 of the JSViz User Guide and also followed in the following article on TIBCO Community:


The process is pretty straightforward:

1) Start with the existing code snippet or example. Re-create it in the JSViz Tester Framework.

2) Setup a blank JSViz visualization and map the data from the Spotfire Data Table into JSViz

3) Transform the data in JavaScript (if required) to match the format expected by the visualization code or library

4) Bring the visualization code into JSViz and merge into the renderCore() method

In order to achieve this there is the expectation of a minimum level of familiarity with coding and JavaScript.

There is also the possibility that someone seeing your question will post a working solution.

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