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Deployment of Python requests module in Spotfire

Erik Sandstrom

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I am trying to delploy the third-party requests module for use in IronPython/Spotfire. The module now comes standard when you download python from python.org, which is where I obtained all of the .py files for the module. I have followed all of the steps outlined in the "Deploying Python Modules for Spotfire Clients Usage" document using the Package Builder. When I get to sub-step 11 under step 2 (where you select "TIBCO Spotfire Any Client" and click "Finish" I get the following error:


I have tried multiple different ways of building this package, and have even tried building the very simple module included in the instructions, yet I get the same error.

Any advice on how to get past this step and on how to deploy the requests module in general



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Make sure you have added the distribution file to the Package Builder. If you have not added the distribution file, then follow these steps to add:

1). Launch Package Builder.

2). Click on File > Add TIBCO Spotfire Distribution, then point it to the Spotfire distribution location (Spotfire Professional client installation directory, which is usually "C:Program Files (x86)TIBCOSpotfireVersion X.X.X").

3). Select the check box, then click Validate, and save.

4). Once it has successfully saved, you should be able to validate the custom extensions

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