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How to Join 2 different information link in the template

Vicky Chetwani

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Hi ,

I need to create the template with two different data sources so for this i have create two information links in Spotfire.


1 - Sales

2 - Employee

In Sales I have 3 columns in Information Link

ID , Employee ID, Amt

1 1001 2000

2 1002 3000

3 1003 5000

In EmployeeI have 2 columns in Information Link

Employee ID, Employee Name

1001 Ramesh

1002 Suresh

Can we do "Inner Join" between 2 Information Link so that i can see only 2 rows in template

1 1001 2000 Ramesh

2 1002 3000 Suresh

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Yes, you can first add the Sales table into Spotfire as it is.

Then go to Insert > Columns > Add columns from: Select > choose the Employee information link > Next > click on 'Match All Possible' in the 'Insert Columns - Match Columns' dialog > Next > for Columns to add from new data, select 'Select All' > for Join Method, select 'Inner (rows matching in both current and new data only)' > Finish.

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