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Capturing Data from document property(multi line input field)... Please help


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Here's the scenario :

We have a "multilineinpul field(document property)" and a button.

So is there any IronPython script or R script that captures the data written in text field and when I clicked submit button it will store value of text field in a calulated column 'n' times, where 'n' is no. of times button clicked.

Please let me know.

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Hi Khushboo,


Suppose there is a calculated column as "Area".


If I enter "Bangalore" in input field(property control) and click on submit button, then Area column should store value of "Bangalore".


Then, again if I clear the input field(property control) and write "Pune" and click on Submit button, then there must be a new ROW added in my table with Pune as value to "Area" column.(below Bangalore) 


so on and so forth....


Thank you.

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  • 4 months later...


You can add a calculated column at run time using a python script with the required expression


from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import CalculatedColumn

cols = Document.Data.Tables["test"].Columns

cols.Remove("test") # to remove if it exists. This can be enhanced to first find and then remove if it exists

cols.AddCalculatedColumn("test", "String('spotfire')");


Reference API -https://docs.tibco.com/pub/doc_remote/sfire_dev/area/doc/api/TIB_sfire-analyst_api/html/Methods_T_Spotfire_Dxp_Data_DataColumnCollection.htm

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