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In JSViz the JSON data is empty if I tick Page Data Rows. How do I access the page data in JavaScript

Michael Lennon

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I'm working on a JSViz page where there are a lot of rows in the data I wish to visualise. If I don'tcheck 'Page Data Rows' in the General Data Settings I get the following error, which I assume is because there's too many rows for the JSViz window to handle:

XmlHttpRequest Failed. Internal Server Error

Does anyone know how to access the Page Data from JavaScript It's currently paged by 10000 rows. Can I use the DataRowPager class from the JavaScript Visualization Framework If so does anyone have some example code so I can see how it works


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  • 5 months later...

Hi Michael

JSViz version includes a sample called "doughnutchartswithpaging" which demonstrates how to use the paging functionality.

In general, the use of the paging option should be invisible to you as the data set is reconstructed in JSViz.js before it is passed to renderCore(). However you will need to make sure you are using the correct version of JSViz.js, the one that ships with

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